
Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) Terms Of Reference

Date of Meeting:

25 May 2016

Report of:

The Head of Law

Contact Officer:


Giles Rossington





Ward(s) affected:









1.1         At the May 2016 Annual Council meeting, members agreed to amend the council’s constitution with regard to Overview & Scrutiny (O&S) functions, creating a new Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee (HOSC).


1.2       This report details these new responsibilities and includes the HOSC terms of reference in Appendix 1.


2.         RECOMMENDATIONS:    


2.1         That the Committee’s terms of reference, as set out in Appendix 1 to this report, be noted; and


2.2         That the establishment of an Urgency Sub-Committee consisting of the Chair of the Committee and two other Members (nominated in accordance with the scheme for the allocation of seats for committees, one from each of the other Groups), to exercise its powers in relation to matters of urgency on which it is necessary to make a decision before the next ordinary meeting of the Committee, be approved.


2.3         That the Committee appoints non-voting co-opted members from the Older People’s Council, the Youth Council, Community Works and Healthwatch, as referred to in para. 3 Appendix 1 (terms of reference).





3.1         Article 6 of the constitution, incorporates a schedule of all the Committees/Sub-Committees established in the new constitution together with a summary of their respective functions. 




The Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee (OSC) Terms of Reference


3.2         A copy of the terms of reference for the HOSC is attached in Appendix 1. These should be read in the context of the 'Introduction and General Delegations' included in the Scheme of Delegations to Committees and Sub-Committees at part 4 of the constitution.




3.3      The HOSC will scrutinise the planning, provision and operation of the health service and social care in the authority’s area, including both adults and children, as well as those functions exercised by the authority as a health service provider, as set out in the National Health Service Act 2006, as amended, and the Regulations. More details of HOSC functions are included in the committee Terms of Reference (Appendix 1).




3.3         HOSC membership is detailed in para. 2 of the HOSC Terms of Reference (Appendix 1).


3.4         The arrangements for substitute Members to attend meetings of Committees/Sub-Committees are as set out in the Council Procedure Rules 18 to 24.


3.5         It is proposed that non-voting co-optees be invited to sit on HOSC to provide external perspective and to reflect the views of their respective bodies, one from each of the following: the Older People’s Council, the Youth Council, Community Works and Healthwatch (see para. 3 of the terms of reference). The individuals representing these bodies will be agreed at this meeting under recommendation 2.3 of this report.


Programme of Meetings


3.6         Ordinary meetings of the Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee are scheduled to take place on the following dates during 2016/17:


·         Wednesday 25 May 2016

·         Wednesday 20 July 2016

·         Wednesday 19 October 2016

·         Wednesday 07 December 2016

·         Wednesday 01 February 2017

·         Wednesday 22 March 2017


3.7         From autumn 2016, meetings of the Committee will normally be held at Hove Town Hall and will start at 4.00 p.m. Prior to this, meetings will be held in Portslade Town Hall at 4.00pm due to renovation work at Hove Town Hall.


Urgency Sub-Committee


3.8         The Constitution states that each Committee of the Council except the Audit & Standards Committee may appoint an Urgency Sub-Committee to exercise its powers.  The membership of such Urgency Sub-Committee shall consist of the Chair of the Committee, and two other Members nominated by the Group Leader or Leaders as appropriate to meet the requirements for the allocation of seats between political groups.  Under current allocations this would mean an urgency sub-committee will consist of one Member from each of the three political groups on the Council.


3.9         Such Urgency Sub-Committees may exercise their powers in relation to matters of urgency on which it is necessary to make a decision before the next ordinary meeting of the Committee.  Every decision of each Urgency Sub-Committee shall be reported for information to the next ordinary meeting of the Committee as appropriate.





4.1         The Council’s constitution provides for the appointment of the sub-committees and urgency sub-committees. It is for the Committee to determine this action and it could decide not to make such appointments.  However, this would be contrary to the wishes of the Council and is not therefore regarded as a viable alternative option.


4.2       The HOSC Terms of Reference are for information rather than decision as they have already been approved by Full Council.





5.1         The HOSC Terms of Reference have been agreed by Full Council.


6.         CONCLUSION


6.1         The recommendations are being put forward in line with the requirements of the constitution.





Financial Implications:


7.1         There are none


Legal Implications:


7.2         The terms of reference for the HOSC meet the legal requirements set out iin the National Health Service Act 2006 (as amended).


            Lawyer Consulted: Elizabeth Culbert                                                       Date: 030516




Equalities Implications:


7.3         None directly


            Sustainability Implications:


7.4         None directly


Any Other Significant Implications:


7.5         None







1.         HOSC Terms of Reference


Documents in Members’ Rooms




Background Documents

